This Webflow-enhancement is now part of a rapidly-evolving reverse proxy framework we call Hyperflow.
Do you need Webflow's CMS paths to be more fluid?
Whether you're an SEO expert, or just trying to craft a logical organization for you website content, semantic paths are a central part of your site's design.
Semantic paths are paths that convey meaning and context to your pages in the URL itself.
Unfortunately, Webflow's CMS has very rigid path rules, which effectively prevent you from building CMS-driven content hierarchies like the examples above.
We can fix that.
This is one of the most-requested features we build for clients.
The way is to resolve this limitation in a Webflow-hosted site is to design a reverse proxy that can rewrite Webflow's collection page paths to your own desired path structure.
We custom build these to your requirements, and allow you to map your desired paths to the correct page content, any way you like.
We call this technique remapping, and it is based on a central concept of a path map, detailed below.
There are four parts to remapping your site for top-quality SEO;
Using these 4 techniques together works beautifully with Webflow hosting.
The core Webflow architecture remains unchanged, and everything continues to work as designed - all of your original paths and redirects are fully functional.
And, this can be done on a live site with no disruption to your existing SEO investments. Impressive, eh? We think so too.
There are several components to this solution but the most complex part of this build is typically the path map.
The path map describes the rules on exactly how each request URL should be handled, and what data should be displayed. It's effectively an intelligent lookup table that is built dynamically from your CMS data.
We design each client's path map specifically for your individual mapping needs. This not only solves your path, navigation and SEO issues, but it keeps your site administration simple and convenient.
Here are some of our key approaches, loosely ordered from simplest to most complex.
We also support multi-level maps, which describes situations in which different levels of your path should be remapped differently, e.g.
/course/(course-slug) maps to a course page
/course/(course-slug)/(chapter-slug) maps to a chapter page
/course/(course-slug)/(chapter-slug)/(lesson-slug) maps to a lesson page
In general, approach #5 is most popular with SEO experts who want the flexibility to map paths arbitrarily, however it's also the most complex build.
For most sites map types #1 through #3 are more than sufficient to meet your design goals.
Contact us with your path requirements, and a read-only designer link so that we can see your CMS structure, and we can recommend the right approach for you.
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