Hyperflow Custom Files & Folders

Add Apple Pay, compliance files, a favicon.ico, even entire folders directly to your Webflow-hosted site.

As of 12-Dec-2025, Webflow has added support for .well-known compliance files!

Hyperflow enables your Webflow-hosted site to host and serve special files at any path.

Give your downloadable files branded links directly under your domain, like;


Support authentication and compliance files, such as;


Serve entire directories of videos or images from a separate file storage;


Hyperflow's Capabilities

  • Serve any file, at any path, directly under your custom domain
  • Serve entire directories of files, if you like
  • No more file type, file size, or filename restrictions
    • Great for video files as well
  • Manage your hosted files easily outside of Webflow, on Cloudflare R2, Github, Amazon S3, even Dropbox or Google Drive.
  • Replace files, rather than being forced to upload a new file at a different URL
  • Remove files when you no longer want them served

And. hosting these files incurs no bandwidth charges, even for video files.

About Webflow's Hosting Limits

Webflow's hosting has an excellent range of features, and gives you convenient publishing pipeline directly from the designer. However, the hosting setup has some strict limits on the types, sizes, and paths of files you upload;

  • All uploaded files must have a Webflow-supported file extension
    • Images - PNG, JPEG and JPG, GIF, SVG, WebP, and AVIF.
    • Documents - TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, CSV, ODT, ODS, and ODP
    • Lotties - JSON ( only Lottie type JSON ), and dotLottie
  • All files are stored on a separate CDN at URLs that are unrelated to your website domain, like https://cdn.global.website-files.com/...
  • File names cannot be chosen, they will be created for you
  • Files cannot be changed or replaced. You can delete the original and upload a new one, but it will be at a new path
  • File sizes are limited

Why is this a problem?

There are a lot of situations in which your site needs or would benefit from more flexibility and integration in the hosting setup;

  • Compliance files like Apple Pay, ads.txt, security.txt and many more, which must be at specific /.well-known/ paths under your site's custom domain.
  • Large asset files like video, which you can control, optimize and replace yourself as a designer.
  • Assets like PDFs that you can update, so that Google isn't promoting an old version of your price list
  • Security, such as gating PDFs or video assets so that only a logged-in user can see them

How Customers Use Hyperflow

Compliance & configuration files

Create the files you need and serve them under the compliance-required paths directly. For example-

  • ads.txt: This file is used for advertising transparency. It stands for Authorized Digital Sellers and is part of the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s (IAB) initiative to combat fraud in the programmatic advertising ecosystem. It lists all the companies that are authorized to sell a website’s digital advertising inventory.
  • .well-known/security.txt: A proposed standard for websites' security information, used to describe the security policies of a web service.
  • .well-known/apple-app-site-association: Used for deep linking in iOS apps. This is now supported natively in Webflow.
  • .well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association, used for Apple Pay verification.
  • .well-known/assetlinks.json: Used for deep linking Android apps.
  • .well-known/browserid: Used for Mozilla’s BrowserID implementation.
  • crossdomain.xml: Used by Adobe Flash Player and Microsoft Silverlight to permit cross-domain requests. It’s a security file that controls the ability of external domains to access your content.
  • Industry-specific compliance files
  • ... and many, many more.

Integrate external code & assets

Embed an entire Github repo, Netlify folder, or Amazon S3 bucket directly in your Webflow-hosted site as a folder to make it accessible and SEO-friendly.

For SEO experts, this is important for asset SEO.

For developers, this can be essential for samesite security considerations.

Advanced Uses

With some additional development work, our team can further extend the Hyperflow framework to meet special client requirements;

Content Security

Sygnal has developed the capability to integrate with Webflow's User Accounts, and to determine whether someone is logged in and what access groups they are in.

This can be used to gate access to important assets like video files and PDFs.

Technical configuration files

Some of these files are already used by Webflow, but we can expand them without affecting Webflow's current needed data availability, e.g.;

  • manifest.json: For Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), this file is used to define the application's metadata, appearance, and behavior when installed on a user's device.
  • sitemap.xml: Can be auto-generated and then modified programmatically.

Hyperflow Setup & Costs

Sygnal's Hyperflow framework is a reverse proxy solution, built on Cloudflare's high-performance edge-serving infrastructure.

There are two parts to the setup;

  • We help you migrate your DNS to Cloudflare, if needed
  • We install and configure our Hyperflow reverse proxy, specifically for your needs

PART 1: DNS Migration to Cloudflare

If you are already using Cloudflare for your DNS, you're all set, and we can build your reverse proxy directly in your existing Cloudflare account. You will simply invite us to your account for the installation work.

If your DNS not on Cloudflare yet, you can migrate your DNS to Cloudflare yourself, and then invite Sygnal to your Cloudflare account. This approach is generally easiest since you already have direct access to your current registrar and DNS,

If you'd like us to migrate your DNS for you, we can assist. Here's what we need.

Cost: $500 if Sygnal coordinates this part for you.

PART 2: Hyperflow Installation & Configuration

Once your DNS is setup on Cloudflare and Sygnal has access to your Cloudflare account, we can do the full Hyperflow installation and configuration.

For the Custom Files & Folders app, the work involved depends entirely on what types of file hosting you need setup and where you want to manage your files.

  • An example of a very simple setup would be an Apple Pay configuration file.
  • An example of a more complex setup might be video hosting, with a directory of video files and Dropbox integration.

Cost: from $500+, contact us with your needs for a quote

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