I've sort of gotten used to the idea that the CMS doesn't know [ may never know ] anything about the site it belongs to. I rather liked that, and hoped Webflow was making CMS's independent like a datastore, which would make it possible to share them across sites. Imagine if the community could offer well-maintained CMS's, and you could subscribe and publish form them. Country lists. Recent crypto news,. Today's currency conversion rates. Even among my own clients I often end up with 5 sites that share the same collections and can't actually centralize them within Webflow. But, that hasn't happened, and I haven't seen any indications in that direction. If the CMS were properly integrated, images from assets might be handy ( I'd prefer default support, e.g. use this hero unless I replace it ). More importantly though, I'd like to see links fixed so that you can link from CMS this would be a nice feature for some. More important though
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