Webflow & Domains

Transferring a Site from Another Host

Adding Domains
Adding a Domain to Webflow
Domain Registraton
Domain Registrars
Transferring a Domain to a new Domain Registrar
Transferring a Site to a Different Workspace
Transferring a Site from Another Host
Default Domains
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May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024
in lightbox

You have just built an awesome new site on Webflow, and you need to transfer the domains over from the existing live site on Wordpress ( or somewhere else ). How do you do this smoothly and with minimal downtime?

In Jun-2024 Webflow's domains screen is a bit of a mess because it doesn't clearly present a sequence of recommended actions to bring a domain online for your site.

Here's the ideal sequence.

  • Add your domain name to Webflow
  • Verify ownership
  • Set the primary domain
  • Publish your site
  • Then change the DNS settings and wait for everything to link up

Done properly, this should result in zero downtime.

We're going to get as close to that process as possible in this guide.

A Seamless Transfer Process

Build, Configure & Test the New Site

Build your New Site

Complete all of your design and data work first.

Configure the New Site


  • Redirects
  • Recaptcha
  • Apps
  • Integrations
  • SEO Settings
  • etc.
Complete all of the testing possible through the webflow.io version of your site.

Transfer the Site

This is the window in which the site will go offline.

Verify the Domain(s) first

First, add the verification record only to your DNS, and verify ownership.

Webflow doesn't make that obvious in the UX, but proving ownership is a "part 1" and then pointing the domain to your website ( creating A & CNAMEs ) is "part 2".

That distinction doesn't matter with a new domain but it matters a lot when you're migrating a live site and need to ensure a smooth migration with minimal downtime.

Publish Your Site, if possible

As soon as the domain is verified, try setting the www name as the default domain,.

Then attempt to publish the site. Make certain there is a checkmark by your new custom domain.

Ideally, you want your site published and ready to receive traffic before the DNS changes are made.

Note, I've not tested the ability to do this since Webflow's UI changes. If you are doing a migration and hit this step, let me know whether you can do this in the new UX.

Transfer the Domain(s)

This is done by deleting and replacing any existing website records in the DNS.

In the typical configuration;

  • Remove existing A @ records and www records.
  • Add Webflow's 2 A records and www CNAME record.
It may take some time for the DNS changes to propagate. During this time, your existing site will continue to be visible.

Publish your site, if necessary

If you haven't published yet, once Webflow confirms that these records are in place, set the www name as the default domain and publish your site. Make certain there is a checkmark by your new custom domain.

Test your site

Make sure to test all of the features of your new site.

The old site still has a hosting plan which means it can still act as a complete reference for your hosted site settings, in case you've missed anything.

Shut Down your Old Site

Once the new site is fully running, you can cancel the hosting plan on the original site.

We recommend you keep that site in your workspace as a backup for archival purposes, just in case anything happens in the client's workspace that damages the new production site.

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