The Webflow forums are a great way to reach out to the Webflow community for advice and problem-solving... but the members can only help you if they can see your problem.
Make it easy for people to help you, and you'll get better responses.
Share your project's read-only link
Here's how to share your project's read-only link.
PRO TIP: When you share a readonly link, Webflow captures the page you are looking at in the designer.
Use this, and generate your readonly from the page you are discussing. Linking directly to the correct page in the designer will help a lot in getting community assistance.
In addition to sending the right page, always be very clear in your description as to which part of the page you're having the problem.
Long pages and vague problem descriptions will make it very difficult to help you.
Share your published site link
Community members may also need to see your published site.
For scripting & hosting issues...
- Custom script issues
- Custom CSS issues
- Problems with 301 redirects
- Canonical URLs issues
Share a link to any current version of your published site. A link to your staged site is fine for diagnosing these problems.
For SEO related questions & issues...
Share a link to your live, public site.
For Memberships issues, share a login
If your problem is related to Memberships, or is related to a gated-content page, make sure to share a username and login so that people can login and see the problem you need help with.
Screenshots & Videos
Even with the readonly designer link, there are a lot of things that we cannot see, which screenshots or videos will tremendously help with.
Loom is your friend here, and is free for up to 25 videos, of up to 5 mins each.
Things we cannot see
Site settings, including your...
- 301 redirects table
- hostnames setup
- site-wide custom code
- Sitemap.xml configuration
Forms- when a form is bound to Logic, we cannot tell what logic flow your form is bound to.
Logic flows can be seen partially, but clicking on any flow block does not ( 2023-06-23 ) display any of the details, so configuration can not be checked.
Apps, in general.
Webflow Wishlist
To submit feature requests & suggestions, or add comments to existing customer feature requests, check out the Webflow Wishlist.
Answers to frequently asked questions.