October 4, 2024
Want your lists to wrap properly around floated images and video elements?
You can, and with Webflow's 2024 updates you can even do this using the designer directly with no custom code.

Here's the styling you need to apply.
We recommend you apply all styles "within rich text element" so that they only affect rich text and only within the specific rich text classes you create.
Ordered / Unordered List Element
Set the layout of the list element itself;
- Display: inline
Then, under custom properties at the bottom of the style panel, set these;
- Margin: 0
- Padding: 0
List Item Element
To indent your bulleted items;
- Margin-left: 40px
To give them space;
- Margin-bottom: 1rem
Image /Video Figure Element
For a right-justified figure,;
- Margin-left: 40px
- Margin-bottom: 20px
Answers to frequently asked questions.