November 8, 2022
Common causes;
- Have your customer check their SPAM folder, first.
- Check and verify your Webflow Site's Form settings, to verify that your client's email is still on the notifications list.
- > If they clicked the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any form notification email, they will be removed without any notice to you.
- Verify that your customer's email address is entered properly in your site's Form settings. If you typo'ed it, you might not know.
- > Copy that address, and send a test email to it to verify they're receiving your emails to the right address.
- Verify that you are getting notifications too.
- > You can add your email address to receive form notifications too.
- > If you separate email addresses with a semicolon, you and your client will receive them.
- > If you separate email addresses with a comma, you'll receive notifications separately.
Answers to frequently asked questions.