There are several different Sign Up for a Free Gift patterns, but here is the basic pattern we're trying to create;
- Bob visits your site
- Bob is presented with "Sign up for our newsletter and get a free X!"
- Bob gives his email
- Bob is sent to a page where he can read / watch / download X
- Bob is happy
And there are many variations on this.
We'll look at 2;
VARIATION 1 - The Linkback
Rather than delivering X in the email, you can give a link to X, which goes back to a Gift Page on your site.
VARIATION 2 - The Password-Secure Linkback
This is the same, but now the Gift Page is behind a password wall. You give the password, and the link in the email.
Which Should I Choose?
Which one you choose will depend on;
- What you're giving. Is it digital content like and article or a video? Is it digital content that they download, like a PDF, or an application?
- What are the capabilities of your email newsletter provider?
- How worried are you about security, and preventing others from finding your free gift?
- What click & conversion metrics do you want?
What about Webflow Membership?
“Should I use proper logins?”
In this flow, passwords and logins and account registrations and email verifications are too interruptive to make the UX flow work. They also don't add value, because once Bob's gotten X, what does he now need a login for?
Go as simple as possible, for your use case.
There is of course a legitimate business goal here- if you goal is to get people to sign up for a membership ( PAID or FREE ), than this is exactly the path you'll want to take.
Answers to frequently asked questions.