January 24, 2024
January 24, 2024
In 2023, Webflow released Devlink, a framework for doing realtime exports of Designer layouts into an external React development environment.
For React developers, this is a great way to get Webflow-level designer support in their React projects.
Webflow + React give you the UX layer. For business logic, data processing and database support, you'd extend that. Here are some popular approaches.
React Stacks
MERN Stack
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database.
- Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js.
- React: For building user interfaces.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment for server-side code.
- JavaScript: For handling all dynamic programming during the request/response cycle.
- APIs: For all server-side functions.
- Markup: For structuring the content.
- Often, React is used as the JavaScript library to build the frontend, along with static site generators like Gatsby or Next.js.
Full-Stack React with TypeScript
- Using React for the front-end.
- Node.js and Express.js for the backend, often with TypeScript for type safety and enhanced developer experience.
- A variety of databases can be used, like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or MongoDB.
React with GraphQL
- React for the frontend.
- GraphQL as a query language for APIs, often with Apollo Client for state management in React.
- Backend could be Node.js with Express.js, or other backend solutions that support GraphQL.
React with Firebase
- React for building the frontend.
- Firebase for backend services like authentication, real-time database, hosting, and storage.
React with Next.js
- React for building user interfaces.
- Next.js as a React framework for server-side rendering, static site generation, and building web applications with an emphasis on performance and SEO.
React with Serverless Architecture
- React for the frontend.
- Serverless functions (like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions) for backend logic.
- Integrating with various cloud services for databases, authentication, etc.
Answers to frequently asked questions.