January 24, 2024
January 24, 2024
In app development, Webflow is good for the front end design, and limited CMS capabilities. It does not have support for a queryable database, user-attached data, business logic, or many other key aspects of an app framework.
If you really want to build an application on a Webflow-hosted site you’d likey want to go with a WWX stack meaning Webflow + Wized + Xano.
- Webflow would handle the UX design, and some content.
- Wized would handle logins, payments, basic business logic, and your UX functional wiring.
- Xano would provide your database and more advanced business logic capabilities.
There are variations to this stack, but there is a solid community around the WWX stack, so you’d spend a lot less time wandering lost in the tundra.
Answers to frequently asked questions.