Zapier has a built-in RSS Generator, to which your zap can add content for retrieval by RSS readers.
About Zapier's RSS Generator
Here's what I know so far, specifically in comparison to Webflow's RSS generator;
- Supports enclosure tags, so it could be used for podcasts or media-centric feeds.
- Supports Author detail.
- Can be used to public full Blog article content from Webflow.
- Does not support media tags, which means that RSS-triggered newsletter campaigns can't get the image art.
- Can you append to Zapiers RSS feed from multiple Zaps in the same account? This would be important for e.g. combining feeds.
- Can you remove items from Zapier's RSS feed?
- Can you clear Zapier's RSS feed after testing?
Using Zapier's RSS Generator with Webflow
You can trigger your Zap either with your own RSS ( and have your zap automation re-form it for export ) - however you will only have the data that was in the original RSS, plus whatever else you Zap can acquire.
This means, e.g. this is not the right approach for getting the Article body rich text content.
Instead, I'd use Webflow's CMS Item Created trigger to do this. That way, you have access to the full CMS content, and can use it to build e.g. Author info. However, in Zapier, Webflow's triggers require a paid plan.
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