Webflow & RSS

What Can I Use RSS for?

What Can I Use RSS for?
Webflow's RSS Capabilities
Webflow's RSS Setup
Webflow's RSS Capabilities & Limitations
Generating RSS Externally
Creating an RSS Feed with Zapier
Creating an RSS Feed with Other Tools
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November 25, 2022
in lightbox

What is RSS?

RSS is an XML document which "announces" recent updates. "Subscribing" software can check it occasionally to see what's new, and then make use of anything new it finds.

What Can I Use it for?

Here are some good uses for RSS.

NOTE: Webflow will have challenges with some of these use case examples, we'll explore that under capabilities & limitations.

Automatically email people when a new CMS item is published

Use a mailing list software solution that has RSS-triggered campaign capability. Mailer Lite offers this.

Automatically add recent items to your email newsletter

If you have a regularly-scheduled newsletter, like a monthly update, you can include recent news or items in that newsletter using your RSS feed and an RSS-aware component. Check your newsletter provider.

Podcast feed

This is one of the most popular modern uses of RSS.

Photo or Video feed

Other forms of media can be published as well, e.g. your lates event photos, a new product launch, the latest sports game highlights for your team.


Answers to frequently asked questions.

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