Webflow & RSS

Webflow's RSS Capabilities & Limitations

What Can I Use RSS for?
Webflow's RSS Capabilities
Webflow's RSS Setup
Webflow's RSS Capabilities & Limitations
Generating RSS Externally
Creating an RSS Feed with Zapier
Creating an RSS Feed with Other Tools
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November 25, 2022
in lightbox

Webflow makes it very easy to setup basic RSS capabilities for any CMS collection.

  • Title
  • Description
  • Publish Date
  • URL ( automatic, not configurable )
  • Image ( media:image )


However there are a few crucial limitations;

  1. Webflow's RSS cannot embed rich text fields from your CMS, which means that e.g. blog article content cannot become part of the RSS feed.
  2. No support for the <enclosure> tag. If your RSS feed is intended to present videos, a photo feed, or a podcast, the enclosure element is a crucial part of your RSS.
  3. No feed statistics. No ability to know if your feed is being used, or how often, or what software readers are accessing it.

Haven't tested...

Is the RSS.xml domain-specific, or hardwired to a domain?

In sites where it's important to have multiple domain names, how do you control which domain name is used in the RSS.xml links?

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