November 25, 2022
Webflow makes it very easy to setup basic RSS capabilities for any CMS collection.
- Title
- Description
- Publish Date
- URL ( automatic, not configurable )
- Image ( media:image )
However there are a few crucial limitations;
- Webflow's RSS cannot embed rich text fields from your CMS, which means that e.g. blog article content cannot become part of the RSS feed.
- No support for the <enclosure> tag. If your RSS feed is intended to present videos, a photo feed, or a podcast, the enclosure element is a crucial part of your RSS.
- No feed statistics. No ability to know if your feed is being used, or how often, or what software readers are accessing it.
Haven't tested...
Is the RSS.xml domain-specific, or hardwired to a domain?
In sites where it's important to have multiple domain names, how do you control which domain name is used in the RSS.xml links?
Answers to frequently asked questions.