Workspace Plans and Site Plans are different things with different capabilities.
Workspaces Plans
Workspaces are where you build and host sites.
Workspaces define the billing entity- everything is charged to the workspace owner, including all hosting fees for any hosted sites in that workspace.
In Webflow, all sites - hosted or un-hosted - must be connected to a Workspace.
Your Workspace plan determines your development capabilities- primarily the number of sites you can be developing at one time, and the capabilities you have on those un-hosted sites, e.g.;
- Whether you can export sites as HTML+CSS.
- The number of CMS items you can have while a site is un-hosted.
- Whether Webflow's branding is required on un-hosted sites
The Workspace plan only affects your capabilities on unhosted sites. If you have hosted sites in the workspace, their capabilities are determined entirely by their site plan**.
** The one exception to this is site export, which is entirely a Workspace plan capability.
Site Plans
Site plans define a site's capabilities one it has been hosted. All paid sites plans come with;
- The ability to add a custom domain
- 150 static pages
- Logic
Specific site plans can add other capabilities;
- ECommerce
- User Accounts, aka Memberships
- More monthly form submissions
- More monthly bandwidth
- Content editors
- Form file upload support
- Speed enhancements
Plan Pricing
Both Workspace and Site plans have a free "Starter" plan. If you are a freelancer or agency, make certain to check out those specific plans.
Common Points of Confusion
- The Starter Workspace plan and the Starter Site plan are totally unrelated things, that just happen to share similar names. They also share an identical price of FREE. Despite that, they describe entirely different things. Try not to confuse them.
- The Workspace plan you choose ( FREE, or PAID ) has no impact on the capabilities of the PAID plan Sites you host.
- > Save one notable capability, which is Code Export. Read here if you are planning to host your site elsewhere.
- The Workplace plan you choose has a huge impact on the capabilities of all of the FREE plan Sites in your account.
- Despite some differences in working in the features grid, the Starter Workspace plan appears 100% identical between the In-House and Freelancer/Agency categories.
e.g. Custom Code & 150 Static Pages
For Example, look at the Custom Code feature. If you need Custom Code, you can either get a PAID Workspace plan, or a PAID Site plan. Either will work.
The same is true for getting the 150 static pages.
Basically, you can think of FREE Webflow ( paying $0 ) as a taster. You can try most anything, except custom code and code export.
Answers to frequently asked questions.